Thursday, June 5, 2008

Prince, Cayne, Moz: You Have No Idea How Much This Is Killing Them

You know who we've been too hard on lately? CEOs. We (me, you, all of us) haven't walked a mile in any of their shoes and yet we sit here, day in and day out, looking at them, and judging them, and criticizing their every move. So they collectively lost zillions of dollars and thousands of of people's jobs, so what? They're still people. People. PEE-PULL. Not bots, people. And not just people, broken people. Heartbroken over what they've done, none of which has really been their fault. You see, being a CEO is hard. Being a failed CEO? Even harder. Take, for example, Jimmy Cayne. The man is already beating himself up for something that was really out of his control. For us to kick him when he's down, to write things like "you go to hell Jimmy Cayne! you go to hell and die!" on his own portrait is a kind of immeasurable cruelty that should only be reserved for Michael Vick's dogs, or Canadians. This is too upsetting to talk about. Take it away, Wall Street Journal columnist, Evan Newmark:

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